
February 03, 2016

The English policeman

Q1) what are the main duties that the policeman performs for the ordinary London people.

the main duties the policeman performs include helping people to cross the busy road, giving people directions and helping them identify the correct bus.

Q2) does the policeman only do his duty or does he do more by taking a personal interest in his work? Give two examples.

the policeman does more than his mere duty as is seen by the fact that if people are aged or in firm , he even carries them across the road and if asked about buses he not only gives directions but also helps people catch the correct bus by whistling and pointing it out.

Q3) what picture of London city emerges from the details in the text?

in the text, London city is seen as large and crowded, full of traffic and buses, with foreigners and tourists. There is an impression of chaos and in the mid st of that chaos the policeman provide a stable helpfulness.

Q4) why does the author say that the English policeman is above corruption? What is demonstrated by the behaviour of the policeman and Indian .

when the Indian tries to bribe the English policeman to let him go, the policeman refuses to take the bribe, while offering the Indian his freedom if he promises good behaviour. Thus the English policeman is seen to be above corruption.

Q5) From the text form an estimate of the English policeman's character

The English policeman in the text seems to be a person who is in variably polite and helpful. Going out of his way to help those who need his assistance . He is also seen to be honest and dutiful,doing his work with cheerful dignity at all times.

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