
February 29, 2016

English course questions

English Policeman

Q1) what are the main duties that the policeman performs for the ordinary London people.
Ans:the main duties the policeman performs include helping people to cross the busy road, giving people directions and helping them identify the correct bus.

Q2) does the policeman only do his duty or does he do more by taking a personal interest in his work? Give two examples.
Ans: the policeman does more than his mere duty as is seen by the fact that if people are aged or in firm , he even carries them across the road and if asked about buses he not only gives directions but also helps people catch the correct bus by whistling and pointing it out.

Q3) what picture of London city emerges from the details in the text?
Ans: in the text, London city is seen as large and crowded, full of traffic and buses, with foreigners and tourists. There is an impression of chaos and in the mid st of that chaos the policeman provide a stable helpfulness.

Q4) why does the author say that the English policeman is above corruption? What is demonstrated by the behaviour of the policeman and Indian .
Ans: when the Indian tries to bribe the English policeman to let him go, the policeman refuses to take the bribe, while offering the Indian his freedom if he promises good behaviour. Thus the English policeman is seen to be above corruption.

Q5) From the text form an estimate of the English policeman's character
Ans: The English policeman in the text seems to be a person who is in variably polite and helpful. Going out of his way to help those who need his assistance . He is also seen to be honest and dutiful,doing his work with cheerful dignity at all times.
Difficult days

Q1) the child narrator is surprised when she begins to attend a high school in a neighboring town.
What are the occurrences that cause her to be surprised ?
Ans:The child was used to her village, so she found the school in town surprising with its size, the number of children and the cloths they wore.

Q2) there are many instances in the story when the child narrator feels humiliated and is treated unfairly by the people around her. Enumerate some of these occasions?
Ans:The narrator feels humiliated when the warden sister comments on the way in which the children eat and grow fat at the hostel while they live in poverty and hunger at home. She also feels humiliated when the Harigan children are asked are asked to stand up in front of the entire school or college.

Q3) in the text, the speaker gives a few examples of the humiliation suffered by her during her childhood and youth. What caused this humiliation- poverty or caste? Give reasons for your answer?
Ans:The reason the narrator feels embarrassed is primarily because of the fact that on each occasion her caste is referred to by the warden, class teacher or the lecturer. She is also bothered by the fact that each time they are singled out as poor and of a lower caste.

Q4) Why do you think the speaker does not take her mother’s advice. And pretend to be from another caste? What kind of a person do you think the speaker is?
Ans: The narrator prefers to be honest and speak the truth about her caste as she does not believe she is polluting and one by sitting next to them. she also demonstrates through the narration that she believes in her own worth , so then saying that she belongs to another caste is not an option for her.

Q5) What is the only way by which the speaker is able to gain self- respect as well as some respect from others?
Ans:By studying well and excelling at her studies, the narrator gains some measures of self respect and the respect of the community especially as she is asked to help those students who are not so good at their studies.

On films
Q1) Early cinema audiences appear to have enjoyed watching still pictures and listening to lectures about the human body and travel. Can you think of two reasons why this would have held them spellbound?
Ans:a) The lectures were given by experts
b) The lectures were supported by projected images which they had never seen before.
Q2) why was the claim that new technology could produce moving pictures laughed off as a cock-bull story.
Ans: The claim was that new technology could produce moving pictures laughed off as cock-bull story because people simply disbelieved that still pictures could be made to move.
Q3) List some of the reasons why you think people queued up to watch the earliest moving pictures.
a)  They enjoyed the new technology
b)  They enjoyed the adventure stories with cliff hanging endings.
c)   There was very little alternative entertainment available at that time.
d)  They were curious to see stories set in another culture.

Q4) what does the term “ talk of the town “ means ?
Ans: The term “ talk of the town “ means the subject of much discussion in town .

Q5) movies were shown in weekly episodes. They always ended with someone seconds away from death. Why do you think film makers chose to end episodes in this manner?
Ans: The film makers chose to end episodes in this manner because they wanted to encourage the audience to come back the following week to watch the next episode.

Q6) Why was the showing of Krishna leela a breakthrough?
Ans: The showing of Krishna Leela was a breakthrough because it was a film made in India and based on Indian tales.

Q7) List three differences between early movies heroes and the main character we see in Indian films.
Early movies
Recent movies
Used to dress properly
Heroes do not dress properly
Had less attitude
Show more attitude
Classic hair style
Swag hair style

All the world's a stage
Q1) list the seven ages of men with actions which Shakespeare believed were characteristics of the seven ages.
1) Infants = crying, being sick
2) school boy = complaining as he goes to school.
3) lover = singing sad song to his mistress .
4) soldier = risking his own life just to name for himself.
5) judge = speaking well, passing wise judgment based on experiences.
6) old man = speaking in a high pitched tone.
7) second childhood = behaving like a small child again as he approaches death.
Q2) List at least four different roles that you have been.
1) son 2) brother 3) friend 4) student
Q3) Give suggestions to improve school life so that school children do not whine when they go to school, nor struggle under the weight of their “ satchels “
1) Students should get less homework.
2) students should be given more choices about school subjects.
3) teachers should make lessons more interesting
4) there should not be so many test in school.
5) there should be more field trips.
Q4) why do you think Shakespeare uses the word bubble to someone's reputation?
Ans: Shakespeare uses the word bubble because reputation is as temporary as bubble.
Q5) From the evidence of the last two lines, what do you think Shakespeare believes happens tp people at the end of their lives.
Ans: Shakespeare thinks that people become nothing after death. They lose everything, they are congregated to oblivion which is very powerful word.

Global warming

Q1) what is global warming ?
Ans: Global warming is the increase of earth's average surface temperature due to effect of green houses gases such as carbon dioxide, emission from burning fossil fuels or from deforestation, which trap heat that would otherwise escape from earth's atmosphere..
Q2) What causes global warming?
Ans: Global warming is caused by build up of gases in the atmosphere such as CO2 and methane, which form a sort of blanket over the earth trapping the heat that would normally escape the atmosphere.
Q3) Why do you think the heating up of the earth's surface is called “ green Houses” effect.
Ans: The temperature near the surface of the earth is increasing because gases such as methane and carbon dioxide are forming a blanket in the atmosphere through which the earth's heat cannot escape.
Q4) Give three reasons why USA is so much CO2.
1) they burn fossil fuels for energy
2) much energy is used for transportation across the vast country.
3) they still use old and inefficient energy.
Q5) Name two cleaner sources of energy than oil and gas.
Ans: Cleaner sources are wind power and solar power.
Q6) How can ordinary people become more “ energy efficient” ? List four ways in which we can use less energy in our homes.
1) switch off gadgets when not in use.
2) use energy efficient light bulbs.
3) wash clothes at a lower temperature.
4) use less hot water in bath and showers.
The indiscreet animal dealer
Q1) why do you think that successful dealers are in Durrell's word “ utterly” lacking in morals.
Ans: successful dealers will stop at nothing while buying or selling endangered animals.

Q2) Which “ quibble” did the dealer dismiss ?
Ans: the dealers dismissed the quibble over whether or not the dealer's mother was still alive.

Q3) why do you think no custom officer would know the difference between a bear and a panda that had been dyed black.
Ans: custom officer are not wildlife experts, therefore they would not be able to differentiate between a bear and a pnda that was painted black.

Q4) which two phases suggest the dealer's friendly feeling towards the writer?
Ans: my dear Gerry, the first name stage.

Left is right
Q1) list three ways in which human being's preference for one hand over the other is 'strange' .
- both hands look alike
- most people prefer using their right hands.
- left handedness has survived despite the taboos and difficulties for left handers.
Q2) why are there twice as many left handers per thousand of population in the west that in Asia?
Ans: In Asia, many left handed children are still forced to use their right hands. This practice has largely ceased in the west.
Q3) Since it is now proven that there is nothing harmful about being left handed, what can families, schools and manufactures do ?
Ans: 1) families can learn to accept left handed children and not to discourage them from using their left hands.
2) schools can provide special equipments for left handed pupils such as scissors and pencil sharpeners made just for them.
3) manufactures can make products that are easier for left handed people to use.
Q4) Give three examples to explain why left handers have to say “ excuse me” a lot. Are they really clumsy or is there some other explanation.
Ans: 1) left handers and right handers often bump into each other in the street because both tend to dodge in the same direction to avoid colliding .
2) left handers pickup wrong cup of coffee at the dinner table, the one nearest to their left hand.
3) they sometimes nudge fellow diners with their elbows while drinking.
Q5) lWould you say that this passage is overall serious and humorous ? Explain.
Ans: this passage is overall serious, it outlines some of the major misconception about left handedness and the discrimination that left handed people encounter in their daily life. The author seems annoyed and upset about the prejudices against left handedness that are wide spread in societies across the world.

February 26, 2016

More tools in photoshop

Q1) Name three different groups of selection tools.

Ans) :

1) Marquee tool

2) lasso tool

3) Magic wand tool

Q2) Name the tool used to

a) Remove portions and create focus on parts of an 

crop tool

b) Select every pixel along a 1 pixel wide vertical area in an image 
single column marquee tool

c) Make a rectangular selection
rectangular marquee tool

 d) move an image or part of the image that has been 

selected from one location to another

move tool

e) make free hand polygonal and magnetic selection

 lasso tool

f) select adjacent areas of the same color in an image.

Magic tool

Q3) name four types of marquee tools


a) elliptical marquee tool

b) rectangular marquee tool

c) single raw marquee tool

d) single column marquee tool

Q4) What are the lasso tools?

Ans: lasso tools are used to make fre hand polygon and 

magnetic selection. These options allow you to detect

and select edges.

Q5) Write the steps to make a rectangular selection?


step1: open the image .

Step2: click on the small black arrow at the bottom right corner .

Step3: select the shape of the rectangular marquee tool from the list.

Q6) Write the steps to crop the image.


step 1: open the image

step2: select the crop tool from the crop – selection tools in the tool box

step3: set the options in the option bar

step 4 : drag over the part of the image you want to crop

step 5 : press Enter

Q7) write the steps to move the selected part of the 



step 1: open the image

Step 2 : use the selection tool to select a part of the image

step 3 : click on the move tool and place the mouse pointer on the image or selected part of it.

Step 4 : drag the mouse to move the selected part to another location.

Q8) differentiate between the crop tool and magic wand 



Crop tool is used to draw a rectangular area and select 

the part of the image you want to include.

Magnetic wand tool is used to select adjacent area of 

the same color in an image.

February 21, 2016

Conservation of plants and animals

Q1) What is meant by biodiversity

Ans: Biodiversity refers to the variety of organisms living in natural conditions.

Q2) how do plants help in maintaining the balance of gases in the atmosphere.
Ans: plants use carbon dioxid and give off oxygen during photosynthesis. This helps in maintaining the balance of gases in the atmosphere

Q3) Name two trees that yield timber
Ans: Mohogany – Oak

Q4) Name a medical plant
Ans: pink periwinkle

Q5) What is deforestation
Ans: excessive felling of trees for timber, clearing forests for agriculture, roads,houses.

Q6) List the cases of decline in the population of tiger in India.
Ans: Decline due to hunting, elimination of natural prey like deer, loss of habitat and human conflicts.

Q7) when an organism is declared extinct?
Ans: when the last individual of a particular kind of organism is believed to have died, the organism is declared extinct.

Q8) what are endemic plants ?
Ans: plants which live to grow in just one geographical area or in small number areas are called endemic plants.

Q9) what is social forestry ?
Ans: social forestry is a practice of maintaining forests through local participation .

Q10) what are protected sites?
Ans: protected sites are natural areas that are set aside to maintain biodiversity by allowing native organism to flourish .

Q11) Describe the effects of deforestation on the temperature of a region.
Ans: plants provide shade and the shaded area has a moderate temperature . Without plants, temperature would be much colder during the night and warmer during daylight.

Q12) How do forest prevent soil erosion ?
Ans: forests have dense growth plants. The roots of plants hold soil together and prevent soil erosion caused by flowing of water.

Q13) What is desertification?
Ans: Once a forest area is cleared, the land remains exposed to intense sunlight. The soil gets exposed and the moisture from the soil quickly evaporates into the atmosphere making soil dry. The forest land gets converted into a desert. This is known as desertification.
Q14) Differentiate between a reserved forest and a protected forest.
Ans: reserved and protected forests are forests lands where felling of trees, hunting, grazing and other activities may be permitted on a sustainable basis to members of certain communities.
In reserved forests permission is required for such activities, while in protected forests such activities may be generally allowed.

Q15) What are national ( parks )? name the first national park in India.
Ans: national parks are reserved land or sea owned by the government and are protected from most developmental activities. The Hailey National park was the first national park in India.

Q16) What are village forests.
Ans: these are forested lands administered by a village panchayat on a sustainable basis, with the habitat , flora and fauna being protected by community.

Q17) write two sentences about project tiger?
Ans: Project tiger is a wildlife conservation project initiated in India to protect the Royal Bengal tigers.
It was launched on April 1, 1973. the project aims at tiger conservation in tiger reserves located in various regions through India. it strives to maintain a viable tiger population in their natural environment.

Q18) How are zoos useful?
Ans: As many kinds of animals are struggling to survive in the wild , many zoos have taken on the additional role of building up numbers f such animals through captive breeding programmes.

Q19) list four uses of forests.
Ans: uses of forests
1) Store houses of water
2) air purifiers
3) sources of timber
4) sources of medicines.

Q20) Discuss any two consequences of deforestation
1) Effects of deforestation on water:
when forests are destroyed the rainfall in the region is affected and the climate becomes dryer.
2) effects of deforestation on the temperature of the region:
without plants , temperature would be much colder at night and warmer during sunlight.

Q21) describe any two measures for conserving plants and animals
Ans: plants and animals are under threat mainly due to habitat loss. Endangered plants and animals can be conserved in their natural habitats.

- the recovery of threatened organisms generally depends on providing suitable habitats and conditions in which they can thrive.
- all kinds of plants and animals are decreasing due to destruction of forests. So they should be stopped.

Q22) List any two steps that the government has taken to protect forests.

- Natural reserves : these are usually designated areas to protect a particular kind of organisms, group of organisms or specific habitat.
- India has many wildlife sanctuaries among these, the 29 tiger reserves are governed by project tiger, and are of special significance in the conservation of tigers.

Q23 ) How are plants conserved
Ans: plants are under threat mainly due to habitat loss. Endangered plants can be conserved in their natural habitats. The recovery of threatened organisms generally depends on suitable habitat and conditions in which they can thrive .

Q24) why is biodiversity conservation an international concern ?
Ans: Many kinds of animals do not remain restricted to a particular country or region. Large numbers of migrating birds and marine animals travel across many lands and oceans that are not owned by any particular country.
Biodiversity conservations, therefor, on international problems requiring international solutions.

Q25) why are protected sites not safe for wild animals?
 Ans: In protected forest, felling of trees, hunting, grazing and other activities maybe permitted on a sustainable biases. thus result forests enjoy a higher degree of protection as compared to protected forest.